Felt like writing a whole long wordy post today! (plus I have no photos to post wtf)
I like making lists! Right now I feel like writing one about things that annoy me.
Now I’m not really one of those people who are anal about stuff or who get all fidgety when their pens aren’t lined up according to the sequence of the rainbow wtf. I’m the messiest and most chinchai person I know — -see Tim just lectured me for leaving my jacket on the bed wtf.
And now he just said “like father like daughter.”
I looked around and said “what what?”
He said “what do you notice about your shirt?”
I looked down and realized I had it on backwards hahahahahaha.
Anyway I kinda had a hard time coming up with things to say! But as I wrote I found I don’t like it when people do certain things. Here goes.
1. Talking too soft
Ok fine I don’t really get annoyed by this. But isn’t it frustrating to talk to someone and have them reply in such dulcet tones wtf that you can’t hear a thing? When that happens I inadvertently go “hah??” loudly and almost always when the person repeats herself I STILL cannot hear it! Then I just pretend I heard it and nod and agree.
But life sucks when actually what the person said was a question and you nod and agree and she stares at you like you’re a monster haih then you have to force a big laugh and say “eh sorry I didn’t hear you what did you say again?” FML.
2. Crunchy fries
Crunchy fries give you nothing but a toothache and a deep thirst! I love salty and soggy fries yum! Sometimes I make my own soggy fries by leaving them in the paper bag long enough for the moisture to soak back into the fries oh god I’m salivating now and I just had fries for lunch FML.
3. Incidentally, people who eat my fries
Actually no! Eating my SOGGY fries is the worst possible thing you could ever do to me. Fat Her is the biggest culprit. He’s like the World No1 Big French Fry Eating Monster and as a kid I’d always feel like crying when he ate my fries.
To make matters worse, every time we went to Mcds I’d ask him to get an extra fries for himself cos he always orders ala carte but he never did! He’d say he didn’t want fries and then proceed to gobble down his burger then eat all my fries T_____T
Now that I’m all grown up now and have my own money to buy fries, I don’t feel like crying anymore but I still pin you with a sharp eye if you reach toward my fries wtf.
4. People using their fingers to push my head
I find this immensely rude. I know most people are doing it in an affectionate manner but please, my neck doesn’t need the exercise and my hair didn’t roll out of bed looking like this.
5. When Ooib doesn’t flush the toilet
Ok so he hasn’t done this for years. But when we were growing up and sharing a bathroom, I used to get so angry at him whenever he used the toilet and didn’t flush. Which was like ALL the time!
I yelled at him. I screamed to my mother. I made posters telling him to flush and stuck them all over the bathroom. I threatened not to clean the toilet. All to no avail wtf.
He still didn’t flush. The toilet still stained all shades of ochre.
I still had to stick the toilet brush down the bowl and have it come back up covered in brown glop T____T
Thankfully he hit his stride in puberty and also learned how to hit the flush lever in time T_____T
6. People who don’t listen
In the past few years I’ve met so many of them! Quite a few from Mount Holyoke/Amherst/Hampshire wtf. Sad but true — a lot of Mt Holyoke women would prefer to hear their own voice rather than yours. Maybe because you’re shorter, look younger, have a less assertive voice I don’t know but I had quite a few experiences with people from school who wouldn’t listen to what I was telling them and then screwed up our assignments.
That’s not to say Malaysians don’t do it too. Actually I do it too wtf for example a few months back Chris and I both wouldn’t listen to each other or back down from our arguments and our whole team had to sit in the office until after 12 listening to us bicker over the same point wtf.
But I get really angry when I’m trying to explain the situation and someone totally cuts me off, doesn’t bother to listen to what I have to say and fcks me up thinking that they are entirely right. Argh i want to break something! Like their head.
If I wanted a one way conversation…. I’d have gone to the MACC WTF WTF kidding *hastily
7. Self-righteous people
People who sneer and bitch about other people (including those who do it on Twitter) over petty small things make me angry. Honestly, I laugh and make fun of everything under the sun — like my father, religion, myself, long nips WTF you name it.
And I’m not the most tactful or sensitive person in the world either. I whine quite a lot and I’ve hurt people by saying wrong things.
But people talking and ganging up on Twitter or blogs or whatever to sneer at some unfortunate girl who’s worn the wrong top. Or belittling someone who’s maybe done something debatable, not really wrong, but something you wouldn’t do yourself. I think it’s malicious, you sound bitter and it’s a bit of mob mentality too.
8. David Archuleta
ARH I CANNOT STAND HIM. I loved him in American Idol but what has befallen him and who wrote all his songs? Beethoven? (post hearing era that is wtf hahahahaha ok I am going to hell *resigned)
Last Sunday I woke up with horrifically swollen eyes!
I have no idea what caused them because I NEVER get swollen eyes even if I cry bucketloads the night before so I was quite terrified.
Luckily they calmed the fuck down wtf in two days or so. And the weird thing is! My right double eyelid has always been thinner than my left one so sometimes when I smile you can’t see the eyelids.
But now they’re both so balanced! After I got swollen eyes by eyelids somehow got thicker and they’re staying thicker! Magical!
Ok nobody else will notice it but me but never mind let me be happy about having balanced eyelids ok *low IQ
Anyway pictures below were taken before swollen eyes so excuse me if I’m not that pretty HAHA.
You know all you lucky bloggers who went on the tour to the toy museum and Royal Selangor and everything?
Better appreciate it! Cos only bloggers were sponsored for the tour! Technically I wasn’t there as a blogger so all us non-bloggers couldn’t go for the tour.
We went to the Singapore Zoo!
Me, June & Bonnie standing in front of some scary birds.
They were all squawking and going berserk behind us! Under my megawatt smile is actually pure fear that the birds would have shit in a rage over my head wtf.
Tick tock tick tock! Haha remember the crocodile in Peter Pan? He was my favorite character 😀
The white tiger was one exhibit that made me feel really sad 🙁 I stood there and watched him for like ten minutes and the whole time he was just walking up and down the cliffway 🙁 Up and down up and down. When reach the edge, he turns back and walks again.
Like he had no more meaning in his life cos he’s in an enclosed space, no need to hunt anymore, nowhere to run and be free :(((((
Somehow after the white tiger I felt damn sad and walked around mostly by myself 🙁
But this turtle with the lunging neck made me smile 🙂
(btw that’s the bow necklace Wei Zhi gave me!)
Fucking hate reptiles.
HAHAHHA the hippo!
Forgot what the proper name is but this is the ballerina hippo because it can’t swim and its body is too dense to float. So what it does is it tiptoes along the river bed hence the name ballerina hahahahaah.
Guess who!!
I kept singing songs the whole time in the zoo. Do you realize there are tons of songs about animals?
Like I saw a llama and I started singing the llama duck song wtf.
Thanks I really needed to know that wtf.
Awww hi Kanga!
Live animals very dangerous wtf.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH did anyone watch I.M. Weasel and I.R Baboon!
The song goes like this: you don’t need pants for a victory dance, cos Baboon’s better than Weasel! wtf.
HAHAHAHHAHA he doesn’t care that his schlong is hanging out for the whole world to see cos he’s chillz like that wtf.
I’m happy to see you.
Actually I was trying to look like the figure in the middle!
Me and Tim.
The whole group!
Oh so are you ready to meet my new love? :))))))
Everyone, meet Phillip the sea lion!
“HAHA iz funny you go grrrrl” HAHAHAHAHAH
So cute ok he’s listening intently to his trainer!
Ok fine more like he’s actually stretching himself to get nearer to the fish bucket the trainer had with him -_-
They tried to make him do this trick where he would lie down then they’d put a piece of fish in front of him.
He was supposed to resist the fish because apparently sea lions cannot resist food wtf. But everytime they placed the fish in front of him he’d scuttle forward and gobble the fish up hahahahaahha.
Think the trainer used up a lot of fish to try to get him to do the trick but he never succeeded wtf.
Also used up a lot of fish on the stupid stork behind him! Every time Phillip did a trick, he’d get rewarded with fish.
And every time Phillip got some fish, the stork behind would step up smartly to the trainer asking for fish too and he’d get it!
But I guess if there was something with such a big beak behind me I’d give him all the fish I had too wtf.
But fucking freeloader ok this stork hahahahaa I thought I was the only one who noticed but everyone else commented on the freeloading coattail-riding stork too hahahha.
My Phillip so clever!
He knew how to clap his fins and shake hands too!
How can penguins compare with my Phillip.
Poor polar bear 🙁 His area was half airconditioned half open air. Sweat so much until his fur discolored ah wtf.
Q: What’s a zebra?
A: The biggest size!
Last but not least, a very rare, precious and important specimen.
Man with chiselled abs WTF.
Return of the prodigial blogger! wtf
Got back from Singapore on Sunday afternoon but I decided to spend the rest of the day lounging around catching up on mindless series (aka Gossip Girls) *glee and doing toe stretches and reading Fmylife wtf.
Ok now got time to blog about Nuffnang Blog Awards!
I thought it was very very well organized! I didn’t know what to expect; actually I didn’t really have any expectations and I went there it blew me away!
I loved all the little details especially the different songs they chose to play when they showed the nominated blogs 🙂
And everyone dressed to the nines 🙂 I thought it was going to be like my high school prom with guys coming in open collared shirts and random jackets thrown over and girls would have glitter sprayed onto their updos wtf but everyone looked so dashing! And elegant! And classy!
I took sooo many photos I don’t know which ones to post! Ok I try to put at least one photo of every person. Here goes!
(I stole alot of pictures from Facebook ok everyone!)
My shoes! Which didn’t go with my dress.
My dress was cream colored and I was going nuts trying to find the perfect pair of cream shoes to go with it. Do you know how hard it is to get cream shoes in KL!
Answer: incredibly wtf.
Anyway I went crazy already and grabbed a pair suede fuchsia pumps with orange polka dots and thought whatever I will just be weird that way!
This is my outfit, or a half view of it. My dress apparently looks like wedding cake.
Do we look like we’re getting married! *commitment phobic
No la kidding! *hastily
This is us in front of the big photo backdrop. Looks like redcarpet /boo
With the Nuffnang PH partners and wives all of whom I think are adorable <333 Eric, Pam, Joy and Jay.
Canon brought in a photo printer to print all our red carpet photos on the spot.
That’s Jay and Joy’s photo coming out!
With Redmummy who looks like some celeb diva. Do you know she has her own makeup artist who does all her makeup for her including that night’s look!!!
Huai Bin!
Oh do you see my clutch it’s a free makeup bag from Biotherm WTF. I was going to carry a gold purse then I realized this striped pink pouch (which I use to store my contact lenses in) with random makeup icons on it matched my shoes more!
Ringo said I damn unglam 🙁
Blurry cos I didn’t want to turn on my flash 🙁 Nic, Redmummy, Budiey, Hanis, Cynthia and dunno who WTF sorry bad with names 🙁
With Aileen? Eileen from Nuffnang Singapore. I think she’s damn cute!
With Beautifulnara who’s damn goofy and cute. Like Redmummy I know their real names but I like calling them by their fake names can or not wtf.
Stole this from Zues off Facebook! Why his camera so nice the coloring so nice I look so fair wtf.
With Jo! She was wearing this amazing hair piece with a huge flower I think. Are hair pieces in fashion now!
See I have my cream top hat.
And Redmummy has her own little black one!
Tim and one of his Pinoy readers, Hannah! Pretty huh 😀
She calls me Princess I don’t think she knows my real name uhuk uhuk.
With Ginny, Simon, Vvens and Natalie! Ginny I had to use this photo cos mine came out all blurry T___T
Adele and Tzia! Why both so good at posing look at me and Tim *shifty eyed. Oh Adele’s dress matches my shoes
Dweam! Who is like ten feet tall. And Kenny! Who is like ten feet wide WTF. With me who is like ten feet under FML.
Some of the MY team: Carol, Cheng Leong (sorry you not Nuffnang wtf), Tim, Pinky, Rina and Vernice.
Ringo! Crap every time I take photos with her I sure look like shit.
Shit so many photos starting to regret posting all.
That’s Bridal Tux, Bali Princess Dress, Layer Cake and… wah Benjicajess is that a lace dress? *salivates
Jay. With Ah Bah.
Yo hello Bryanlyt! I’m so proud I remember your name!
Sorry everyone I am atrocious at remembering names T____T I dunno isit that I’m not an audio person or what cos I’m also quite bad at remembering things I’ve heard but I have to meet you at least 3 times and have meaningful conversations with you at least twice (then go home and write down your name) until I remember T_________T
So I’m very very proud when I do remember! Especially since I do try hard but if i don’t see a name written down I forget it almost immediately :(((( But if I’ve seen it written down before I can probably remember your full name wtf.
Crap like this guy. Sorrie T____T
I remember that you came all the way from Penang for the awards and so did your friend but I can’t remember your name T_________T
And this! My hero wtf. I think her bag’s from the same range of Samantha Thavasa as my wallet *shiny eyes
I was so awestruck to meet her! But I think I covered it up quite well ahhh my life is complete now wtf.
Tim and Ming got interviewed by NTV7. Is it out yet?
Sorry no pictures of Ming to save space so of course give priority to my boyfriend wtf.
Kenny calls this the Suet pose!
Ringo, Kenny, Kruppy, Guppy and Grace.
A lot of excitement about our VIP table.
Oooh this is the ballroom of Pan Pacific Hotel. Part of it anyway. Look my hero is there! wtf
Opening speech. Ming’s like “uh huh got that bitches?” wtf.
Smoked tuna! Food of gods
The people behind Bonito Chico who won Best Blogshop! All so gorgeous *apage
Ok. I think she won Best Fashion Blog. Lady Melbourne! Hope I got that right…
Best Mom Blogger! I mean parenting blog. I know for sure because she has a baby *proud
Best Entertainment Blogger!
(lazy to put up more award photos sorry)
Of all the nominees and winners. Shit la who took this crappy offside photo.
Actually it’s my camera so it was me WTF.
Eh wait it’s not me there I am in the front with the hat wielding Kenny’s big ass camera! *turns slowly around and looks at Tim
Jay, Eric and Jojo!
Tim and the SG Nuffies.
My turn with them! Stupid they thought I cannot remember their names. Elaine and Elise ok! Think what, i didn’t go home and write down your names isit.
Wei Zhi from Kampungboycitygal! She gave me a bow necklace that she had because I said once that I was going to buy one but it was too expensive T____T Thank you Wei Zhi!
Here I am clearly tipsy my face is the same color as Violet’s dress. I was awestruck too because I love her blog and she’s like the fucking most creative person in the world. Plus how can anyone not like himegyaru fashion <3
This Grace ok! She brought me outside with Martyn and Sherman and made everyone take vodka shots!
Oh all right Grace I was so happy to see you too /blush
Hahaha we all get Letter L’s cos we didn’t win anything! Only Kenny gets to put a W on his head.
Ok the end!
Next post, I will talk about what we did the next day and finding my new love, Phillip.
For those who don’t follow my Twitter, you would not have known the drama that plagued the Ooi family yesterday.
Tomorrow I’m going to Singapore for Nuffnang Awards right!
My mother couldn’t find my passport for two whole days T_________T
My mom usually keeps the whole family’s passports in a safe secret place.
So few weeks back when I got back from Beyonce in Singapore I yelled to my mom that I was leaving my passport on the side cabinet for her to keep before I rushed out the door for work.
Then yesterday morning I asked her where my passport was.
And she couldn’t find it FML.
By night time she still hadn’t found it wtf. So when we all came home from our movie the 3 Oois had to ransack the whole house looking for my passport T______T
My mother digging through the secret hiding place (which btw is in the weirdest place possible. About as weird as toilet tank but not as gross. Cannot say here in case people want to rob my house wtf)
Me pulling things out around my room and trashing it.
Fat Her using a measuring tape to poke behind the side cabinet hahahahahaha.
Everyone turning pale and shaky. Me mooning around and hair turning white.
And right when I was going to call up my boss and declare emergency leave tomorrow to make a police report wtf my mother found it!
Inside a plastic orange bucket WTF god knows how it got in there T____________T
I kissed my passport and put some joss sticks WTF.
Ok la no I didn’t but my mother started thanking god and made me pray too so I clasped my hands together and gave thanks wtf T______T
Oh and today I had massive diarrhea T________T
As Sei Shaun puts it, liquid chocolate coming out my bum WTF.
I stayed in the office toilet for more than half an hour T______T
I stayed while like ten people came in and out of the toilet.
And after everyone had left, I sat there and listened to the indian lady mop the floor outside wtf.
Then when I finally got out, all weak and shaky and exhausted (cos of the strain wtf) I found that my boss had left for our meeting without me FML.
I can’t believe I missed a meeting because I spent too much time on the crapper T________T Worst reason ever what if the client asks “so where is Audrey?” she’ll get “she’s not here because she’s pooping” T__________T
But all that is past! Diarrhea is cleared, passport found, tomorrow I’m going to Singapore for the Nuffnang Awards.
Can’t wait to see everyone dressed up there!
I am at Level 9 now for Diner Dash Retro Restaurant oh lawdy!!!
I played the same bloody Level 7 for days ok trying to get past it but I couldn’t T_____T I think I had the most problem matching customers with the same colored seats do you know what I mean?!?!?
So I’m now at Level 9 of Retro I can’t wait to see what restaurant comes next!
/geek mode off
Ok Diner Dash not withstanding, I actually had a very cultured and sophisticated weekend.
Guess where we are.
National Science Museum. wtf.
/geek mode on again
(you know a word I can never spell is museum T__T I ALWAYS get it wrong and Spell Check has to tell me I’m screwing it up again)
Funny mirrors! Fat Her is behind me.
…and that is not my mother ok that is some stranger woman my mother is prettier than that *snob
Us again! HAHA Tim’s posture hahahahah
Anyway we were at the Science Musuem Museum to see the Leonardo Da Vinci exhibition!
Very very cool! They plotted his life against the ongoing events of European history as we know it now. I just thought it was nice to see all the major events I’ve read about fall into place together /shy
Anyway check this out.
This guy (forgot his name) took a 2.4 million pixel camera and did a photo analysis of the Mona Lisa.
(ok just googled it his name is Pascal Cotte)
And he found out all kinds of new stuff.
Like how the picture above is actually supposed to be the real colors of the Mona Lisa.
Da Vinci was apparently well known for his use of soft bright colors so people always wondered why he painted the Mona Lisa in shades of ochre.
Well it’s because the colors faded WTF.
The mountains are blue because Da Vinci always painted all his mountains blue.
And Mona Lisa doesn’t have straight dark hair with a middle parting (like a flower power hippie wtf) as I’d always thought but when they did the photo analysis it’s really obvious that she had brown curly hair but was also wearing a veil on top!
And Da Vinci apparently used some newfangled painting technique so that he was able to paint transparent things like her sheer veil and the lace on the collar of her dress.
Oh and did you know that he never considered Mona Lisa finished and for dunno how many years he carried her around with him continuously to work on her until he died.
Okok one last nugget.
People questioned why the Mona Lisa didn’t have any eyebrows or eyelashes and some researchers claimed that women of that time plucked them out because they were considered unsightly wtf. But we find otherwise!
Using the 240-megapixel scans, Mr Cotte, 49, says he can see traces of a left eyebrow long obscured from the naked eye by the efforts of the restorers.
His conclusion is that Mona Lisa once had both eyebrows and eyelashes, but that these have been gradually eroded to the point that they are no longer visible.
“If you look closely at Mona Lisa’s eye you can clearly see that the cracks around the eye have slightly disappeared, and that may be explained that one day a curator or restorer cleaned the eye, and cleaning the eye removed, probably removed the eyelashes and eyebrow,” he said.
– from The Telegraph
(why am I so diligent put in quotation format with source some more this is not an advertorial wtf)
But damn cool right I dunno I just like stuff like this.
Anyway that Mona Lisa photo was the only picture I managed to take before the custodians came up to me with strained smiles and told me to put that thing away wtf.
That is, the only photo OUT of this room nyeheheheh.
On display were also replicas of Da Vinci’s inventions and ideas.
One of them was this tiny 8-sided room where all the walls are made of mirrors. The description said you would be able to see every part of yourself at every possible angle.
A thousand Audreys!
A lot of other things too but all not photo documented.
This last photo is the ceiling of the Museum. Nice huh?
The only thing nice about the building though wtf. The paint on some of the wooden things on display was peeling, the floor was discolored and the murals looked more like they belonged on some wall of a kindergarten in a suburban bungalow than at a national science museum 🙁
Then when we were at dinner and drinks with Leon and Gin in Jaya 1, we bumped into Jojo and Michael who told us there was a show going on!
I’d seen one of the guys in it the week before performing at an awards ceremony and he was damn funny so we thought ok go.
Told you I am so cultured now. Going to see live show some more.
Hashahaha it’s Douglas Lim’s first standup comedy show on his own or something. But damn funny ok you must all go watch if you can I laughed until I cried.
And I had to keep myself from elbowing Tim and Ah Kuah whom I was sitting between in the ribs every time I laughed wtf.
Before we left for it.
Btw I bought this bow from Sinma where I think the stupid auntie tried to cheat me.
I use a cheap plastic hair clip to put my bangs up when i wash my face. And the other day it broke so I went to Sinma to get a new one.
You know which kind or not!
OK hahahaha I googled “cheap plastic hair clip” and got this picture WTF and this is exactly it I guess it’s synonymous with it hahaha made in China some more.
Anyway I tried to buy one and the lady tried to charge me RM6.90 for it WTF damn expensive right!
Hello auntie it’s like the same plastic they use to make dustbins ok!
I said “wah why so expensive? you sure or not?”
She looked sulky and said “checked the basket (it came from) already. so you want or not?”
I said “don’t want la so expensive.”
She said “ok la then you go choose another smaller one maybe cheaper.”
So I picked out a SLIGHTLY smaller one from a basket marked RM1.90 and paid exactly that. Idiot damn bluff ok how can there be so much difference when the size difference is so small.
Plus the clips were all mixed up with different sizes anyway. The only reason why I was so sure it was RM1.90 was because I made her stand next to me and watch while I plucked my clip from the RM1.90 basket -___-
So! Be careful of sour faced aunties in Sinma.
Lace top!
At Jaya 1 they had some pet exhibition and we met Terry the Terrer Terrapin WTF.
Hahahaha I had a friend who called her pet turtle Terry the Terrer Terrapin hahahaha.
(for non-Malaysians, Terrer means like… great or skillful…. or umai wtf)
Us on the way there.
Wah I took damn long to do this post!
P/S: We are going to watch I Have A Date with Spring this Wednesday courtesy of Pierre thank you Pierre can’t wait! *grateful dance
So nice when I finally have time to sit back after a long week and blog!
We had a half day off today cos of Deepavali so happy I love holidays! I don’t think anyone who doesn’t work would appreciate days off as much cos I was so excited at the thought of going home early I was shaking WTF.
(also shaking cos I thought I might have to stay back and work and forego my half day after all wtf)
Work hasn’t let up yet although I thought it would. If I’m not staying back at night to work, I’m rushing back to eat dinner then write advertorials T____T
Ya ya every entry also I talk about work but what to do my life is monotonous like that wtf.
So today is a blessed reprieve! I’m huddled under the covers with my laptop while Tim is beside me reading Kite Runner I am such a good book recommender! Every book that I told him to read he liked *proud
Anyway our first year anniversary was last Saturday! 10 October. If only it was 2010 then I could ask people what’s 10 plus 10 plus 10?
A: Ten Ten Ten! WTF (aiya dunno if you get it cos it’s not like you can hear my tone on my blog.)
Anyway on the eve on it, I was on the computer when Tim suddenly asked me to go to his cupboard and get him a blanket.
I said “why can’t you use the comforter on the bed?”
He said “cos I haven’t showered so I don’t wanna dirty it.”
So I went to the cupboard and opened it.
There was a gift wrapped box sitting inside!
I closed the cupboard, opened another one and took a blanket from it WTF.
Tim said “not this one! The other cupboard!” (frustrated)
After a bit of questioning why he didn’t want this blanket when I know this is the only blanket there is wtf I open the first cupboard again and finally see the present inside -____________-
Romantic surprise fail sorry baby T_____T
The elusive package wtf.
New camera!!!! Sankyuu baby <3
I lost the charger for my camera so I took his camera down to Singapore for Beyonce but he was also in Singapore the same time for F1 so he didn’t get to use it -___- So I guess this is a very appropriate present!
Card I got him!
Our portrait wtf.
Later only I tell what I got him!
Testing out new camera.
Next day I am still testing out the camera.
And further testing.
It’s so good! A lot of the pictures I take with my old camera come out blurry even with flash but I hardly need flash with this one! Except maybe when in the club.
New jangly wrist thingamajig.
So what did we do for our anniversary?
We went for the Playboy roadshow in Midvalley WTF.
Tim had to drop by cos that’s his client. But I didn’t mind cos anniversaries are not that important to me and I don’t think it means you need to spend it by yourselves the whole day right? As long as it’s fun! And as long as the other party doesn’t hate you for it wtf.
Actually tell you secret. Oct 10 is not really our anniversary *whispers
Couldn’t remember what the exact date was so I just set it at Oct 10 easier to remember wtf.
I have a great talent for forgetting important numbers. Like the other day I forgot my ATM pin number and had to get a new card T____T
Playboy Bunny and Hot Car.
With Isabella!
Adele, Isabella and Tzia who all joined the Playboy Bunny contest! I badly wanted a pair of ears too but they told me I would have to take part too and I backed off in horror wtf.
Yes I am capable of making a unsightly spectacle of myself but I cannot go on stage and be pretty I just can’t T_T
Cos no grace, no feminity and you should see me dance wtf.
Met my readers! *touched
All the Bunnies! Tzia and Redmummy won themselves a Burberry and Prada bag each!
Oh ya to make our anniversary more romantic we stayed a night at Sunway Resort. So nice right the view! *nudge Wilfred
Oh ya I remember. I was waiting for the lady behind the desk to finish talking to an ang moh family who’d just checked in so I could get our parking ticket stamped.
She was talking to them in a very awestruck and reverent voice, nearly whispering, nearly grovelling and I thought “wah the service here is a head over the others.”
Then when she was done, I went up to her and her voice totally changed WTF.
She suddenly sounded quite bored and looked a bit annoyed when I took quite long to fish out my room card from my bag >____> Hello we are not a British colony anymore!
The room!
Then we went clubbing!
Me and Ringo both in florals!
Beautiful Nara and Hilmi!
Cindy! We were waiting for Boom Boom Pow to be played but fucking DJ never played it even though we requested it and he said “ya later” >(((( Some more after that can make announcement over his mic and say that he’s the DJ he knows how to play the songs don’t need to teach him WTF.
Hahahahahahah Nic you go get em! wtf
Ok this one not unsuspecting. KY why you like this! D:
Oh don’t worry we did have the obligatory couple dinner too.
Tonight we bring you a very urgent newsflash.
We are been overrun by bandits! Criminals of the worst kind have been running amok all over, creating havoc, throwing unsightly white unidentified goo and pissing everybody off!
“Whazat? Bandits, you say?”
That is right, good citizens. We are in very serious danger here. If anyone spies the following culprits, do not – and I repeat – do not hesitate to take strong action against them.
Head Honchos:
Top bounty hunter collects on the following:
Sony Vaio Mini Notebook.
The President urges all good people of the city to unite against these foul creatures and fight them!
Unity is a virtue!
And Crime… is a shit that needs wiping! – Burnt Face Man
Fight them as you would body odor!
“But what can we do!”
First, get a mint wtf.
They come in two varieties – Peppermint and Forest Berries. Recommended brand: Wrigley’s New Extra Professional Mints.
Extra Professional Mints has unique cleaning capabilities and can reduce potentially harmful bacteria and give you a noticeablly cleaner feeling around the tongue and mouth. Extra Professional Mints come with a unique ridged surface on one side, made from a special formula with dissolving microgranules, helps to gently clean your tongue to give a fresh, clean mouth feeling and reduce germs.
So got a mint?
“Oh, yes.”
I see you’ve already got your tongue out. Fast work!
Then get scrubbing!
You can get some practice here
Person who annihilates the most bacteria baddies in a 60 second time limit and registers his score wins.
Top 3 places in Singapore Timothy Tiah would visit
1. Angus Steak House
At Ngee Ann City on Orchard! Actually I had to google it WTF. Tim loves steak — he once ate steak 3 times in a week until I scared him with gout WTF and swore off it (for 2 weeks) but I think he has it on average about once a week now. Oh and when he eats steak he doesn’t talk to me T___T Cos he needs to focus and enjoy it fml.
I asked Elise where the best place to get steak was in Singapore and she said she’s not a steak peson but she sent me http://www.hungrygowhere.com (which was the same site I found) which says Angus is the best so Angus it is!
Angus, you better not disappoint him wtf.
2. Sim Lim Square
Singapore’s Largest Electronics & Computers Center! wtf. He calls Ming a big gadget freak but actually he’s one himself! Just today he said he felt like splurging on something for himself (cos I was going shopping). I asked him “oh what?” He said “a gadget. But I can’t think of any gadget I need” wtf.
Cell phone (iphone) check. Hard drive (1.5 terabyte or whatever) check. New computer check. Wii check. Xbox check. Bluetooth headset x1o pcs check wtf. Camera check. GPS check. Bionic laser specs check wtf.
Think Sim Lim would be the best place for him to spend hours there!
3. St Regis, Singapore
To be more specific, the Presidential Suite at St Regis.
For the biggest luxury hotel lover I know.
This post was written in conjunction with the Nuffnang Awards and because Tim and I have a challenge to guess where the top 3 places the other would love to visit in Singapore.
edit: this is his post here
So this is for him to Indulge in the Uniquely Singapore experience!
This is a blow by blow retelling of me and Cindy’s trip to Beyonce LIVE in Singapore courtesy of Hotlink.
Hotlink had a contest in which the winners would be brought down on to Singapore on an all expense paid trip to watch Beyonce in concert at F1 Rocks Singapore and they asked Cindy and I if we’d like to come along so yay we did!
(warning: besides Beyonce you’ll also see a lot of Cindy and Audrey cos no other photo subjects are as interesting WTF)
Found it hard to wake up the morning for a bus ride at 7.45am!!!
Rushed to meet the bus 15 minutes late (at 8am) and looked like shit with eyebags from the night before, but Cindy arrived even later and by that point everyone on the bus was probably ready to murder us.
Cindy and I ignored each other for most of the ride because
a) We’re too busy sleeping
b) We both look like shit
Our first picture together is of our feet. When we’ve gotten to the hotel.
This is the hotel. Nice huh!
It’s called the Grand Park City Hall and it’s like 1 km away from Fort Canning where the concert was held.
Our room! (before we messed it up but you can already see our shit lying all over the table and bed)
We took turns in the toilet (long bus rides can make you bloated ok wtf) and then promptly fell asleep again.
Then when we woke up it’s time for us to start getting ready to leave for Beyonce!
FOL we both forgot to bring hair curlers or any hairspray or product of any sort so Cindy left her hair straight and what I did was I wet my hair and bunned it up before I went to sleep so it came out in weird kinks T_T
But for once I had more than half hour to do my makeup (somehow with Tim around I’m always running late and he’ll be nagging) so I made full use of my time! Unfortunately my makeup skills have severely deteriorated.
With flash!
Cindy fiddled around at the minibar…
And made us cup noodles for dinner god bless her. We woke up too late and took too long getting ready so we had no time to go out and get proper dinner T_T
But we had time to take pictures in the hotel lobby! Cos we were already late in the morning ok no way were we going to piss everyone off a second time.
But turned out everyone else was late FOL -___-
There’s so many pictures of me alone cos we took turns taking pictures of each other (nobody else would they all just stood around and stared at us in disgust) and I don’t have Cindy’s pictures!
Only one of Justice Tey HAHAHA.
Then we made the trek to Fort Canning.
Signs leading us to the entrance!
The view as we entered. DJ Havana was playing and everyone had laid out picnic mats and were drinking beer galore.
I am smiling and Cindy is a whirling dervish wtf.
The crowd! Doesn’t look that crowded yet but I hear there were 9,000 people in that place. Besides it’s only DJ Havana and people hadn’t turned into batshit insane groupies yet wtf.
We have no idea who DJ Havana is although she is very hot wtf so we took some pictures.
Ambient balloons!
Then the Black Eyed Peas came out! I think I should clarify that I am too short to take any decent pictures so bear with me T_T
But I love BEP! We were happy cos we had a pretty good spot near the stage and it’s not too crowded around us so we could jump around and dance to them!
Where is the loveeeeee
Confetti shower!
Then Black Eyed Peas said goodnight (boohoo) and some other DJ came on while they did a set change for Beyonce.
The picture looks like it’s an indoor intimate gig right! But it’s actually smack in the middle of an open field and everyone is sweaty and there are lots of people wtf.
I was a little bored.
Oh sorry this photo was taken when DJ Havana was still playing wtf. Lazy to cut and paste it up there.
Actually ok I tell you a secret! I was more excited to see BEP (the 2nd night in a row) than I was Beyonce cos although I knew a lot of her songs I didn’t actually think I was that big a fan of hers.
But she was so fucking good!!!
She had so much energy and her voice was so damn good T______T And she was also very toned when she waved her upper arms didn’t wave too wtf.
But let me tell you why I was so angry! When Beyonce came on, everyone started squeezing to the front to see Beyonce better.
Understandable cos everyone wants a clearer view right. But hello assholes I have been sitting here in this position for like a thousand years even when the boring DJ before Beyonce was playing and everyone else drifted away to get food I was there!!!
And they were so deceitful wtf. They’d sidle in front of me and pretend they were moving towards the other side looking for their friends but then they’d just stand there like pillars and totally block my view!!!
I asked a couple of fat women who came in front of me “Are you planning to move?” and they got the hint and moved off.
But 3 other American women refused to and said “This is called free standing” WTF OK LA FREE STANDING THEN U DON’T MIND IF ME AND CINDY STAND IN FRONT OF YOU ARGHHH
They tried to get in front of me so I smartly stepped in front so they had no choice but to go behind me. But they ended up separating me from Cindy!
Even stepped all over my bag !! Good thing after some manoeuvring I managed to get Cindy in front with me. Then cos it was so cramped my nose spent the rest of the night buried in someone’s sweaty armpit wtf.
Anyway annoying view blockers aside, we still had lotsa fun!
Beyonce was seriously superhuman on stage I have no other words wtf.
Then she sang a tribute to MJ damn touching I cried T_________T Didn’t dare look at Cindy in case she laughs at me wtf but turns out she cried too T_________T
And then soon it was over! I was dripping sweat seriously literally I have never sweat this much not even when we lost our way in a taxi at midnight in Thailand wtf.
Our feet were aching even though we were both in flats, we were dying of dehydration and had lost our hearing wtf but Beyonce surpassed all my expectations!
Next morning I get up to go shower and wonder why Cindy is giggling so much and I see this drawn on the bathroom mirror wtf. I take revenge and draw Cindy as a pig WTF but i don’t have the photo Cindy send to meeeeeeeeeee
Bussing back home again.
One last photo of us. Thank you Hotlink!
For those who wanna catch Beyonce, Hotlink will be bringing her down to perform in KL on Oct 25 as part of her I AM World Tour.
Apparently they’re reserving the best seats for Hotlink/Maxis users who get to buy it at a 20% discount (if you’re broke wtf you also get 10% off all the other tickets).
There will also be a pre-concert party on Oct 15th at Zouk if you register now at www.hotlink.com.my/beyonce. 2 pairs of tickets to Beyonce LIVE in London will be given away at the pre-concert party so good luck!
Diet Day 1 SUCCESS!
Half a success anyway. I had nasi lemak for lunch today WTF.
But I left off half the rice! And ate lots of ikan bilis / anchovies errrrrr protein what wtf.
Then Jammie came over for dinner and we both firmly refused the rice that Mummy Ooi was dying to pour on our plates.
Oh okay we took like half a scoop each -____-
I have to wean myself off carbs all right cannot simply go cold turkey just like that wtf.
But I feel healthier already! No rice so I drank lots of good soup, ate lots of spinach and um fried chicken wtf -______-
But then we had vegetable juice so it was okay ^___^
Before I forget, pictures of new hair!
It looks nothing like this now.
Dunno how to curl my hair like that T___T
Oh and if you’re wondering, I don’t know what color my hair is T___T I was too eager to change my hair color that when the guy brought out the color chart I stabbed my finger on the brightest color I could see and tahdah it’s on my head now wtf.
Anyway Fat Her birthday photos!
This looks like a birthday cake already wtf. (my kind of cake! if only birthday cakes came in flavors of meat WTF cos I hate sweet food)
We had German food cos Fat Her was craving cheese and meat platters. And what Fat Her wants, Fat Her gets!
Family photo (minus Ooib) Face erased cos I look like Linda Blair.
Prize giving ceremony wtf. Tim giving Fat Her his birthday present! (a laptop bag.)
(Fat Her just bought himself a new laptop and just now when I was setting it up for him he nodded sagely and said “Ooh I am pleased with my new computer” hahahahaha)
Fat Her’s birthday cake!
The green dinosaur on the right is a loving addition from Latat and Jam for Fat Her!
The lone candle is from indolent restaurant waiter who refused to put in all 54 candles, saying that 1 is just nice WTF think he was just too lazy to stick all 54 in.
The smiley face was because when I wrote out the message on a piece of note paper at the bakery, I was telling Jam something and drew a smiley face on it to illustrate. Baker clearly thought the smiley was part of the message T_______T
But I’ll have you know what I drew was just a smiley face ok the baker exercised creative freedom and added the tongue wtf.
Oh ya and in conjunction with Fat Her’s birthday even though it’s over, I present to you Five Random Fun Facts about Fat Her!
Fat Her Fun Fact #1: I paid for his birthday cake (and dinner) with his credit card WTF not enough money T_______T but obviously will pay back la wtf
Fat Her Fun Fact #2: Fat Her cries and tries to hug me every single time he hears the song “Butterfly Kisses”
Fat Her Fun Fact #3: Fat Her’s idea of entertainment is to fart silently and then lock all the car windows so we all suffocate T______T
Fat Her Fun Fact #4: Fat Her’s favorite actress in the world is Audrey Hepburn
Fat Her Fun Fact #5: He thought his hair was too long. So he took a scissors to it HAHAHAHAHAHAH and look what happened T__________T ignore the stupid face I asked him to smile normally and he did this he is not actually cockeyed wtf T____________T
now bears a striking resemblance to
I love you Daddy!
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